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Senior school

At the level of general secondary education, our students already have developed skills of self-organization and self-control, set their own individual paths of study and, with the help of a teacher, achieved the desired result. In the 10th -11th grade we select a universal curriculum from the state program and integrate it with elements of international programs. The curriculum is extensive, so the daily regime is designed to prevent students from being overburdened, and after the first half of the day children are go for a walk with teachers to the school grounds.

The main educational objectives of the school at this stage of education are:

  • Acquisition of knowledge that meets educational standards of the Russian Federation 
  • Profiling and in-depth study of the subjects chosen by students for higher education 
  • Maintaining learning motivation  
  • Development of scientific thinking 
  • Development of individual work skills 
  • Physical development 

Form of education 

  • Full-time study 
  • Half-board
 Students (under the supervision of a teacher or independently) do homework, attend extra-curricular classes, play active games in the open air. School provides the pupils with a full three-day meal.