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We look forward to them, prepare for them, and then hotly discuss each stroke of celebration for a long time.

It is always great and important matter, a kind of intellectual self expression and self enrichment, creative cooperation of school triunity - teacher, student, parent. And most importantly, it is a special state of mind, a need to share the joy of being with others.

The range of holidays in ISI is very wide.

These are traditional school holidays - peculiar milestones of school year.

These are holidays related to the history of our country with its original traditions, rites, and customs allowing you to realize unity with your Fatherland, understand and accept values of other cultures.

These are folklore holidays as the fount of folk wisdom accumulated for centuries.

These are thematic, sports, intellectual, environmental, literary holidays that make life in ISI interesting, diverse, and entertaining. 

Holiday is an attempt of external joy to get inside us, and internal joy - to spill out (V. Krotov) 

The real pearl of our school is creative meetings "At the Magic Piano." Year after year, our “Music Lounge” traditionally opens its doors to true art lovers, where piano and guitar music is played by school students, where school choirs and vocal ensembles sing, and where young dancers are happy to present their dance numbers.

For a number of years New Year celebration has remained most long-awaited and desired holiday. Each time on the stage one can see a new performance staged by teachers and senior students for young students of Istochnik. In recent years, New Year's posters have been full of various fabulous headlines: “Hare, Wolf, Fox and New Year's miracles”, “Space pirates”, “Children on the Internet”, “Snegurushka”, and many others. Colorful costumes and theater scenery, professional musical accompaniment, interesting light solutions, bright images - all this makes performances unique and unforgettable, and causes an emotional response from audience.